IMMIGRATION PROTECTION TRIBUNAL"Successfully appealing your visa application decision to the Immigration Protection Tribunal requires skill, experience & expertise..."
IMMIGRATION PROTECTION TRIBUNALWe have 25 years' experience successfully handling nearly every type of immigration application possible - including appeals to the Immigration Protection Tribunal.
If your visa application is not professionally prepared with all the correct supporting documents, it may be refused by Immigration New Zealand.
In some circumstances we can appeal the decision to refuse your visa application to the Immigration Protection Tribunal.
Most of our Immigration Protection Tribunal Appeals are for clients who have submitted their own visa application to Immigration New Zealand or used an Immigration advisor unsuccessfully.
We can appeal to the Immigration & Protection Tribunal in the following situations:
if your residence application is refused
if your temporary application is refused or cancelled & you are inside New Zealand
if you become liable for deportation
Before appealing your case, we can discuss your immigration situation in detail & advise on the likely outcome of any Appeal to the Immigration Protection Tribunal application – so you make an informed decision.
Having an experienced & capable lawyer representing you will ensure a robust application is presented – including strong legal submissions & evidence. Strong legal representation is essential & a carefully prepared application will be the difference between success & failure for your appeal to the Immigration Protection Tribunal.
Please note very strict deadlines must be met in order for the IPT to accept your case.